Avan Garde Poster

Typeface specimen poster of a masterpiece by Herb Lublin - Avant Garde’s typeface history, significance attributes, and characteristics. This poster shows off Avant Garde’s magazine logo, centering it and giving a formal and symmetrical impression. It is now a staple for graphic designers, so centering the type logo invites anyone interested to look closer. The poster’s colors were based on the magazine’s color palette, while the background color makes everything stand out without it looking blank.

ITC Avant Garde Gothic design has become a solid staple in the repertoire of today’s graphic designer. The lowercase x-height and open counters help to make this family ideal for display copy and short blocks of text content. The ITC Avant Garde Gothic design is used in the corporate logo of Adidas and is one of the main typefaces in Sony’s corporate marketing programs.


Bright Spot